Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day of Kirby Town Meeting

The town of Kirby had a huge turnout for their town meeting today. Residents voted on several key issues spanning from municipal items to school district items. Along with the issues facing the town, Kirby re-elected several Town Officers: Town Clerk - Wanda Grant, Moderator - John McClaughry, and School Director - Cheryl McMahon. Tim Peters was elected as the towns new Selectman.

At 10:00am the School District meeting began with the moderator hitting his gavel, calling the meeting to order. After the Moderator and School Directors were re-elected, the articles were voted upon. The proposed school budget of $1,148,540 was passed. Another article voted on was to pay the School Directors $1000. All agreed and the article was passed. On the Town Meeting side of things, Article 8 was passed to allow the town to levy an interest charge on delinquent taxes. Article 10, also passed, permits the town of Kirby to provide town reports at least 30 days before Town Meeting Day through the Caledonia Record.

Another key vote was to decrease Kirby's share of the Northeast Kingdom Waste Management District's budget from $610,015.00 (2009) to $606,120.00 (2010). A lower budget is being proposed because last years total expenses came out to $589,492.75. Polls closed at 7pm and results are soon to be made available.

After the meeting was over, residents indulged themselves in a wonderful array of food. Everyone that attended brought a different dish to make a potluck. There were pasta dishes, soups, breads, and deserts. The social gathering allowed for everyone to mingle while enjoying a hearty, home-cooked meal.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Kirby Town Issues

Kirby's Town Meeting will take place at 10am on March 2nd. School Directors are seeking $1,000 from citizens. The school budget could increase to $1.1 million; up 2.7 from last year. The town and highway budget has decreased, however. It is to be decided at $322, 700. Cheryl McMahon is looking to be re-elected as School Director after her term is up. Another election taking place will be for a 3 year seat as Selectman. Norman Lanman is not running for re-election on the board. Elby Willey is also not seeking re-election as Planning Commissioner.

(information from Cal. Rec.)

Monday, February 15, 2010